SSL’s Chris Jenkins is a man with an avid fifty-year-long career in the music industry. He shone as a musician, sound engineer, technician, and most importantly – as an innovator. One of his creations, the AWS 924 Delta analog console, we are using on an everyday basis and it is our bread-and-butter tool. To our utmost privilege, he came knocking on our door to see how we were treating one of his babies. And what a relief it was to see him satisfied with our new setup!

But, why the stress?
Well… If it hadn’t been for him, music production would have taken a different—but hardly a better—direction. Taking into account how many SSL models he had created or helped create, and what producers and artists had been using them to make timeless songs and soundtracks, he might be considered one of the fathers of modern-day sound.
Peter Gabriel, co-owner of SSL, had praised Chris rightfully when he received the Unsung Hero Music Producers Guild award: “From its inception, SSL has been responsible for a lot of great innovation in studios and Chris Jenkins has long been one of its unsung heroes. Chris’s inventive mind and passion for sound has, time after time, delivered magic. He understands, as well as anyone I know, how musicians and producers actually work in the studios, and he can design equipment that enables their musical dreams to slide effortlessly into reality.”
With the experience of using his product for almost four years now, we can only confirm Peter Gabriel’s statement and thank Chris for everything he has done for music … and therefore, for us.